Using and testing web services in Eclipse

Your Java EE Eclipse already includes WTP (Web Tool Platform), so you shouldn't download another plugin.

All you need now is to follow one of those tutorials


The Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) project extends the Eclipse platform with tools for developing Web and Java EE applications

It includes a web services section with 2 components:

  • The JST Web services component contains tools for developing and interacting with Java Web services.
  • The WST Web services component contains tools for Web services development which is not Java specific.

To test web services, the best tool is IMHO soapUI which is available as an eclipse plugin and is superior by far to any other tool I've used.

To use web services, it's worth noting that Eclipse has now a JAX-WS Tools Project (in the Web Tools Incubator) which is using the Apache CXF implementation (please, let Axis 2 die).

To install this project, point your Eclipse update site manager to The Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) Project update site - When you access the update site, you should see the CXF Web Services (Incubator) feature available in the listing:

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Once installed and configured (Window > Preferences... > Web Services > CXF 2.x Preferences), you will be able to use the CXF runtime to test web services (and / or to create a CXF Web Services Project, see image below even if this is not your first goal).

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You will find some video clips showing you how to create and deploy Bottom-Up and Top-Down Web services using JAX-WS Tools here.