Using in my project (Eclipse)

You need to add this in your build.gradle:

dependencies {
    compile ''

And then Sync Project with Gradle Files. Finally, you can use CardView as it's described here.

I have done following and it resolve an issue with recyclerview same you may use for other widget as well if it's not working in eclipse project.

• Go to sdk\extras\android\m2repository\com\android\support\recyclerview-v7\21.0.0-rc1 directory

• Copy recyclerview-v7-21.0.0-rc1.aar file and rename it as .zip

• Unzip the file, you will get classes.jar (rename the jar file more meaningful name)

• Use the following jar in your project build path or lib directory.

and it resolve your error.

happy coding :)

Using Gradle or Android Studio, try adding a dependency on

There does not seem to be a regular Android library project at this time for cardview-v7, leanback-v17, palette-v7, or recyclerview-v7. I have no idea if/when Google will ship such library projects.

I finally found a way to use CardView in ADT/Eclipse. It's actually pretty easy:

  1. Create a new project in Android Studio
  2. Add the CardView dependency as explained in the other answers to this question
  3. Open ADT and create a new library project with package name
  4. Delete all resources ADT auto-created
  5. Find the exploded-aar folder in Android Studio and copy the following files to these locations:
    • res/values/values.xml to the same location in your ADT project
    • classes.jar to libs/ in your ADT project
    • AndroidManifest.xml use it to replace the auto-generated manifest in ADT
  6. Add classes.jar to the build path and make sure it's exported
  7. Add a reference to the library project in the project you want to use CardView in. You can follow the steps provided under Adding libraries with resources here:

As an alternative to having to create a new Android Studio project in order to get the AAR's content, you could also simply find and unzip the AAR from the local maven repo. Just follow the steps provided by Andrew Chen below.

Please note the CardView library might not be available in source- and ADT-compatible-form because it's still only a preview and a WIP. As there might be bug fixes and improvements in following releases, it's important to keep the library up-to-date, which is easy using the Gradle dependency, but must be done manually when using the steps provided above.