Using arrays and variables in TikZ

You need to use an \edef instead of a \def. When you use just a \def, the value is set to the macro \pgfmathresult, and not the value of \pgfmathresult at the time of the \def. The subsequent pgfmathparse changes the value of \pgfmathresult=4 so this is the value that both \myl and \myh take on once they are evaluated.

enter image description here






\draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (6,8);

\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (\myl,0); \node at (B) [below] {$T$};
\coordinate (C) at (2*\myl,0);
\coordinate (D) at (2*\myl,\myh); \node at (D) [left] {$S$};
\coordinate (E) at (2*\myl,2*\myh);
\coordinate (F) at (\myl,2*\myh); \node at (F) [below] {$R$};
\coordinate (G) at (0,2*\myh);
\coordinate (H) at (0,\myh); \node at (H) [right] {$W$};

\draw [very thick] (A) -- (C) -- (E) --(G) -- (A);

\fill (B) circle (4pt);
\fill (D) circle (4pt);
\fill (F) circle (4pt);


Exactly what happens I don't know, but using


instead of the \defs works.

enter image description here



\draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (6,8);

\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (\myl,0); \node at (B) [below] {$T$};
\coordinate (C) at (2*\myl,0);
\coordinate (D) at (2*\myl,\myh); \node at (D) [left] {$S$};
\coordinate (E) at (2*\myl,2*\myh);
\coordinate (F) at (\myl,2*\myh); \node at (F) [below] {$R$};
\coordinate (G) at (0,2*\myh);
\coordinate (H) at (0,\myh); \node at (H) [right] {$W$};

\draw [very thick] (A) -- (C) -- (E) --(G) -- (A);

\fill (B) circle (4pt);
\fill (D) circle (4pt);
\fill (F) circle (4pt);



Tikz Pgf