Using babel, how can I append some code to the top of every file?

Tip 1: the environment variable BABEL_DISABLE_CACHE=1 is needed if you are doing heavy testing of plugins. If you had a script that you ran like npm run unit you may instead want to run like BABEL_DISABLE_CACHE=1 npm run unit while testing your plugin.

Tip 2: babel.parse will give you a full program out of some source. The easiest thing you could do is babel.parse(header).program.body[0].

The following ended up working:

function injectDefine(babel) {

    var header = 'if (typeof define !== "function") { var define = require("amdefine")(module); }';

    return new babel.Plugin('amdefine', {
        visitor: {
            Program: {
                enter: function(node, parent) {

    cache: false,
    stage: 0,
    plugins: [injectDefine],