Using \csname in \renewcommand to change command definitions

First attempt

\renewcommand\csname the#1\endcsname{#2}

You're trying to redefine \csname to be t

Second attempt

\renewcommand \the#1{#2}

You're trying to redefine \the to expand to the first token in #1

Third attempt

\renewcommand \headername {#2} % compiles but has no effect

You're redefining \headername

Fourth attempt

\renewcommand \csuse{the#1} {#2}

You're redefining \csuse

Fifth attempt

\expandafter\renewcommand \@nameuse{the#1} {#2}

You're trying to define \spacefactor, because you're expanding \@. Note that \makeatletter and \makeatother should surround the outer \newcommand, not be inside the replacement text. But this wouldn't fix the code, because

  \expandafter\renewcommand \@nameuse{the#1} {#2}

would try and redefine \csname, which is the first token in the expansion of \@nameuse.

Correct version



  \expandafter\renewcommand\csname the#1\endcsname{#2}%

Since etoolbox is loaded already, there is a quicker way with \csdef or \csgdef, depending on the desired 'sustainability' in a group:

No 'weird' \makeatletter...\expandafter...\makeatother constructs to be used here:




\changeprefix{section}{test prefix - }
\section{Test section}
Some text...