Using Cucumber.js with Jest
An alternative would be to use jest-cucumber
gives you the flexibility of using both frameworks
My react-native
"cucumber": "^4.1.0",
"jest": "22.4.2",
In my steps definition
file, I just require it like this
const { Given, Then, When } = require('cucumber');
const expect = require('expect');
Expect is part of Jest, so you can import it as its own object. Then I can use it wherever I need an assertion. Note: newMember
is declared and populated elsewhere.
Given('Sara has provided account details', function() {
for (const prop in newMember) {
Hope that helps.
is a globally scoped during jest runtime. So as long as you are running jest it will be available. I'm using this package (needs some config to transform correctly to your babel config): gherkin-jest
Here's a feature using the DOM-testing example from the jest docs:
Feature: Using feature files in jest and cucumber
As a developer
I want to write tests in cucumber and jest
So that businesspeople understand tests and I can test React
Scenario: Emoji toggles upon checking and unchecking the checkbox
Given I did not check the checkbox, so the label is "ð"
When I check the box and the emoji toggles to be "ð"
import {cucumber as c} from 'gherkin-jest'
import React from 'react'
import {mount} from 'enzyme'
import {Checkbox} from '../src/components'
c.defineCreateWorld(() => ({
c.defineRule('I did not check the checkbox so the label is {string}', (world, off) => {
world.checkbox = mount(<Checkbox labelOff={off} />)
c.defineRule('I checked the box and the emoji toggles to be {string}', (world, on) =>{
world.checkbox = mount(<Checkbox labelOn={on}/>)
This issue I posted gives an example of the config.