Using Dagger 2 to inject into service

I know this question already has an answer but there are an other way to do this

first make your application extend HasServiceInjector like this:

public class App extends Application implements HasActivityInjector, 
HasServiceInjector {

DispatchingAndroidInjector<Activity> dispatchingActivityInjector;
DispatchingAndroidInjector<Service> dispatchingServiceInjector;

public void onCreate() {

public AndroidInjector<Activity> activityInjector() {
    return dispatchingActivityInjector;

public AndroidInjector<Service> serviceInjector() {
    return dispatchingServiceInjector;


then create a ServiceBuilderModule this will perform injection over services:

abstract class ServiceBuilderModule {

abstract MyService contributeMyService();


then register the new module to your component

@Component(modules = {
 public interface AppComponent {

 interface Builder {
    Builder application(App application);

    AppComponent build();

 void inject(App app);


then override the onCreate method of your service and add AndroidInjection.inject(this) like below code :

public class MyService extends Service {

public void onCreate() {

public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
    return null;


code in kotlin is exact conversion of the code above. hope this helps some coders from now on.

I wrote the code from the top of my head, so there could be a typo or two.

You do it just the same as when injecting stuff into activities.

  1. Declare a component,
  2. add the inject method to that component,
  3. add a module providing your service
  4. create that components builder
  5. add your module to the builder
  6. inject your service with the component

Your module and component would look something like this (maybe add some scope)

class ServiceModule {

    MyService mService;

    ServiceModule(MyService service) {
        mService = service;

    MyService provideMyService() {
        return mService;

interface MyServiceComponent {
    void inject(MyService service);

Then in onCreate just create your component and inject your alarm.

private SomeAlarm alarm;

public void onCreate() {
            .serviceModule(new ServiceModule(this))


This is assuming that your alarm can be constructor injected by having an @Inject annotated constructor like this:

class SomeAlarm {
    SomeAlarm(MyService service) {
        /*constructor stuff*/

Else you would just also add the alarm creation to your module.