Using Hamlet in Haskell without Yesod
Well, handwaving the URL rendering and doing things in the stupidest way that works, we can use this:
hamVal = [$hamlet|
<title>Test page
test :: ByteString
test = renderHamlet (\_ _ -> "") hamVal
Which works as expected. I imagine you want to do something slightly more useful, but the trivial example here works fine so it's hard to say more without knowing where you're having trouble.
Here's an example showing most of the basic stuff, including rendering of typed URLs.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, QuasiQuotes #-}
import Data.Text
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.String (renderHtml)
import Text.Hamlet hiding (renderHtml)
data Url = Haskell | Yesod
renderUrl Haskell _ = pack ""
renderUrl Yesod _ = pack ""
title = pack "This is in scope of the template below"
template :: HtmlUrl Url
template = [hamlet|
<a href=@{Haskell}>Haskell
<a href=@{Yesod}>Yesod
main = do
let html = template renderUrl
putStrLn $ renderHtml html
<html><head>This is in scope of the template below</head>
<body><p><a href="">Haskell</a>
<a href="">Yesod</a>