using multiple JUnit results file on Jenkins pipeline

We run the same integration tests against two different configurations with different DB types. We use maven and the failsafe plugin, so I take advantage of the -Dsurefire.reportNameSuffix so I can see the difference between the two runs.

The following is an example block of our Jenkinsfile:

    stage('Integration test MySql') {
        steps {
            timeout(75) {
                sh("mvn -e verify -DskipUnitTests=true -DtestConfigResource=conf/mysql-local.yaml " +
                    "-DintegrationForkCount=1 -DdbInitMode=migrations -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=false " +
        post {
            always {
                junit '**/failsafe-reports/*MYSQL.xml'

In the report, the integration tests run against mysql then show up with MYSQL appended to their name.