Using Optional with Streams in Java

One of the nice things about Optionals is that applying filtering, mapping and flat-mapping functions on them only trigger when Optional::isPresent is true, so:

public void run() throws IOException {
         // turns every non-proportional Optional<Image> into empty optionals
         .map(image -> image.filter(i -> i.isProportional(this.height, this.width)))
         // resizes every proportional Optional<Image>, while doing nothing on the empties
         .map(image -> -> i.resize(this.height, this.width)))
         // applies the writing consumer for each non-empty Optional<Image>
         .forEach(image -> image.ifPresent(this::write));

Another way is to only call Optional::isPresent and Optional::get in separate Stream transformations:

public void run() throws IOException {
         // filter out the empty optionals
         // replace every optional with its contained value
         .filter(image -> image.isProportional(this.height, this.width))
         .map(image -> image.resize(this.height, this.width))

Yet another way (which I refuse to recommend as a primary solution because of its relative weirdness) is to change the static image creation method into a Stream generator, instead of an Optional generator, to take advantage of flatMap:

private Stream<Image> createImage(Path imagePath) {
    try {
        return Stream.of(new Image(imagePath));
    } catch (IOException e) {
        return Stream.empty();

public void run() throws IOException {
         // inserts into the stream the resulting image (empty streams are handled seamlessly)
         .filter(image -> image.isProportional(this.height, this.width))
         .map(image -> image.resize(this.height, this.width))

On second thought, go with this solution; it seems to be simpler, and since the static method is private anyway, less screaming would occur from end-users, other developers, and random people with access to decent Java 8 decompilers (

From Java9, you can use flatMap and Optional::stream to filter empty Optionals:

public void run() throws IOException {
         .filter(image -> image.isProportional(this.height, this.width))
         .map(image -> image.resize(this.height, this.width))