Using QAbstractListModel in ListView

How do you implement the addition method? You should use a method like in the example provided in my comment.

From the docs:

An insertRows() implementation must call beginInsertRows() before inserting new rows into the data structure, and it must call endInsertRows() immediately afterwards.

You should have something like:

void MessageListEntryModel::add(params...)
    beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), rowCount(), rowCount());   // kindly provided by superclass
    // object creation based on params...
    m_vpMessages << objectCreated;
    endInsertRows();                                          // kindly provided by superclass


int MessageListEntryModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex & parent) const {
    return m_vpMessages.count();

Also, @Jonathan Mee comment is correct: use just the role names inside the delegate as you defined them in the model. If everything else is correct that is the way to access data.

One of the best documentation piece to understand C++ models implementation and usage is the Model subclassing reference. In this document is clearly depicted which are the most important methods to subclass and for what purposes.

As for the methods to implement, it really depends on the needs. Depending on the possible actions on the model, different methods should be implemented (refer to the above link for full details). A model for a ListView in which items can be added/removed can inherit from QAbstractListModel and just rely on the default implementations for most of the functions. You just need data(), roleNames() and rowCount(), as you already saw in most examples.

If instead you also need to edit data not just adding/removing it, then you also need other functions, particularly setData(). It is also your duty to notify the attached view(s) with any modification of the model occurred in setData(), via the signal dataChanged(). Refer again to the above provide subclassing reference.

Note also that, if the add method is modified with the Q_INVOKABLE modifier, i.e. it is declared as

Q_INVOKABLE void add(params...);

in the model header, you can also call it from QML (since the model is set as a context property) and you can write, for instance:

ListView {
    id: quickMessageListdata
    model: quickListModel
    delegate: Rectangle {

        width: 400
        height: 25
            text: model.message
            color: model.messagecolor

    Component.onCompleted: {

to insert items in the view as soon as the view is created. Clearly the same approach can be applied to other QML signals so that you can react to QML events and trigger addition/removal behaviours.

Finally, you don't need to register the model with qmlRegisterType. For your current requirement it is superfluous.

Hmmm... I'm not super familiar with QML but I believe that this is your problem:

According to the link it looks like you need to change your Text block to:

    text: message
    color: messagecolor

Further reading: