Using Razor, how do I render a Boolean to a JavaScript variable?

The JSON boolean must be lowercase.

Therefore, try this (and make sure nto to have the // comment on the line):

var myViewModel = {
    isFollowing: @Model.IsFollowing.ToString().ToLower()

Or (note: you need to use the namespace System.Xml):

var myViewModel = {
    isFollowing: @XmlConvert.ToString(Model.IsFollowing)

You may also want to try:

isFollowing: '@(Model.IsFollowing)' === '@true'

and an ever better way is to use:

isFollowing: @Json.Encode(Model.IsFollowing)

Because a search brought me here: in ASP.NET Core, IJsonHelper doesn't have an Encode() method. Instead, use Serialize(). E.g.:

isFollowing: @Json.Serialize(Model.IsFollowing)