Using RegisterWaitForSingleObject if operation completes first

Yep, you and everyone else has this problem. And it does not matter if the IO completed synchronously or not. There is still a race between the callback and the assignment. Microsoft should have provided the RegisteredWaitHandle to that callback function automatically. That would have solved everything. Oh well, hindsight is always 20-20 as they say.

What you need to do is keep reading the RegisteredWaitHandle variable until it is no longer null. It is okay to do this in a tight loop because the race is subtle enough that the loop will not be spinning around very many times.

private void RunQuery(QueryState queryState)
  // Start the operation.
  var asyncResult = queryState.Query.BeginExecuteSegmented(NoopAsyncCallback, queryState);

  // Register a callback.
  RegisteredWaitHandle shared = null;
  RegisteredWaitHandle produced = ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject(asyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle,
    (state, timedout) =>
      var asyncResult = opState as IAsyncResult;
      var state = asyncResult.AsyncState as QueryState;
      while (true)
        // Keep reading until the value is no longer null.
        RegisteredWaitHandle consumed = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref shared, null, null);
        if (consumed != null)
    }, asyncResult, queryTimeout, true);

  // Publish the RegisteredWaitHandle so that the callback can see it.
  Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref shared, produced, null);