using setTimeout synchronously in JavaScript

Is the code contained in a function?

function test() {

    // code that you cannot modify?

In that case, you could prevent the function from further execution, and then run it again:

function test(flag) {

    if(!flag) {

        setTimeout(function() {


        }, 5000);



    // code that you cannot modify


I came in a situation where I needed a similar functionality last week and it made me think of this post. Basically I think the "Busy Waiting" to which @AndreKR refers, would be a suitable solution in a lot of situations. Below is the code I used to hog up the browser and force a wait condition.

function pause(milliseconds) {
	var dt = new Date();
	while ((new Date()) - dt <= milliseconds) { /* Do nothing */ }

document.write("first statement");
alert("first statement");


document.write("<br />3 seconds");
alert("paused for 3 seconds");

Keep in mind that this code acutally holds up your browser. Hope it helps anyone.