using the dom code example
Example 1: what is document object
document.anchors Returns all <a> elements that have a name attribute 1
document.applets Returns all <applet> elements (Deprecated in HTML5) 1
document.baseURI Returns the absolute base URI of the document 3
document.body Returns the <body> element 1
document.cookie Returns the document's cookie 1
document.doctype Returns the document's doctype 3
document.documentElement Returns the <html> element 3
document.documentMode Returns the mode used by the browser 3
document.documentURI Returns the URI of the document 3
document.domain Returns the domain name of the document server 1
document.embeds Returns all <embed> elements 3
document.forms Returns all <form> elements 1
document.head Returns the <head> element 3
document.images Returns all <img> elements 1
document.implementation Returns the DOM implementation 3
document.inputEncoding Returns the document's encoding (character set) 3
document.lastModified Returns the date and time the document was updated 3
document.links Returns all <area> and <a> elements that have a href attribute 1
document.readyState Returns the (loading) status of the document 3
document.referrer Returns the URI of the referrer (the linking document) 1
document.scripts Returns all <script> elements 3
document.strictErrorChecking Returns if error checking is enforced 3
document.title Returns the <title> element 1
document.URL Returns the complete URL of the document 1
Example 2: Html dom
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
body { margin: 0 18%; }
window.onload = function() {
var elem = document.querySelector("#myBtn");
elem.addEventListener( "click", displayDate );
function displayDate() {
document.querySelector("#demo").innerHTML = (new Date()).toLocaleString();
<h1>WEB222 - HTML DOM Event</h1>
<p>Click "Show Current Time" to execute the displayDate() function.</p>
<p id="demo"></p>
<button id="myBtn">Show Current Time</button>
<p><a href="" Download>Download</a></p>
Example 3: HTML DOM
// This is a DOM interface with JAVASCRIPT by using JSON data
// Creating Table with DOM objects
var myData = [{user: "James", address: "123 Keele St. Toronto, ON.", email:"[email protected]"},
{user: "Mary", address: "92 Appleby Ave. Hamilton, ON.", email:"[email protected]"},
{user: "Paul", address: "70 The Pond Rd. North Youk, ON.", email:"[email protected]"},
{user: "Catherine", address: "1121 New St. Burlington, ON.", email:"[email protected]"}];
window.onload = function() {
document.querySelector("#button1").onclick = generateTable;
function generateTable(){
// get the reference for the body
var tbl = document.querySelector("#outputTable");
// revove existing Body element
var tblExistingBody = tbl.querySelector("tbody");
if (tblExistingBody) tbl.removeChild(tblExistingBody);
// creates a <tbody> element
var tblBody = document.createElement("tbody");
// creating all table rows
for (var i = 0; i < myData.length; i++) {
// creates a table row
var row = document.createElement("tr");
// Create a <td> element and put them at the end of the table row
row.appendChild(getTdLinkElement(myData[i].email, myData[i].email));
// add the row to the end of the table body
// put the <tbody> in the <table>
// Create a <td> element and a text
function getTdElement(text) {
var cell = document.createElement("td");
var cellText = document.createTextNode(text);
return cell;
// Create a <td> element with a hyperlink
function getTdLinkElement(text, href) {
var anchor = document.createElement("a");
anchor.setAttribute("href", "mailto:"+href);
var anchorText = document.createTextNode(text);
var cell = document.createElement("td");
return cell;
Example 4: dom javascript frontend
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>DOM Page</title>
<h1>The main heading</h1>
<p class="highlight">An interesting summary of this content.</p>
Some supplementary details to accompany our discussion.
It also has a <a href="#">link</a>.
<div class="widget">
<div class="foo"></div>
<td>UNC Chapel Hill</td>
<td>Carolina Blue</td>
<td>NC State</td>
<td>Wolfpack Red</td>