Using 'this' in base constructor?

If the State implementation used depends on the concrete Game class, then I would create a new instance of the State inside the constructor of the child Game class (PushGame) and access the State in the base class through the abstract property.

public class PushGame : ManiaGame
    private readonly PlayState gamePlayState;

    public PushGame() : base()
        gamePlayState = new PlayState(this);

    protected override State GamePlayState
        get { return gamePlayState; }

public abstract class ManiaGame
    protected abstract State GamePlayState { get; }

public class State
    public State(ManiaGame mg) { }

public class PlayState : State
    public PlayState(ManiaGame mg) : base(mg) { }

Clearly the ManiaGame class always uses objects of PlayState type, so you can move the creation at the ManiaGame level:

public class PushGame : ManiaGame
     public PushGame() : base()


public class ManiaGame
    PlayState ps;   
    public ManiaGame() {
        ps = new PlayState(this);

If you want more concrete PlayState classes..

public class PushGame : ManiaGame
     public PushGame() : base()
     protected override PlayState CreatePlayState()
        return new PushGamePlayState(this);

public class ManiaGame
    PlayState ps;   
    public ManiaGame() {
          ps = CreatePlayState();
    protected virtual PlayState CreatePlayState()
        return new PlayState(this);

public class PlayState
   public PlayState(ManiaGame mg) {}

public class PushGamePlayState : PlayState
   public PushGamePlayState(ManiaGame mg) : base(mg){}