Using XPath starts-with or contains functions to search Windows event logs

Windows Event Log supports a subset of XPath 1.0. It has only three functions: position, Band, timediff.


If you don't mind two passes, you can always use a powershell script to re-filter the data as its          -where operator supports -like, -match, and -contains:


$Query = @"
    <Query Id="0" Path="System">
      <Select Path="System">

$events = Get-WinEvent -FilterXml $Query
ForEach ($Event in $Events) {
    # Convert the event to XML
    $eventXML = [xml]$Event.ToXml()
    Add-Member -InputObject $Event -MemberType NoteProperty -Force -Name  DriverVersion -Value $eventXML.Event.UserData.InstallDeviceID.DriverVersion
    Add-Member -InputObject $Event -MemberType NoteProperty -Force -Name  DriverDescription -Value $eventXML.Event.UserData.InstallDeviceID.DriverDescription
    Add-Member -InputObject $Event -MemberType NoteProperty -Force -Name  Data -Value $eventXML.Event.EventData.Data
$Events | Select TimeCreated, Id, DriverDescription, DriverVersion, ProviderName, @{Name="MessageData";Expression={$_.Message + $_.Data}} | Where {$_.DriverDescription -match "NVIDIA GeForce GTX*"} | Out-GridView

A cmd to launch it (nv.cmd):

powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass "& '.\nv.ps1'"

A quick powershell to search for session* in data. Even if data were an array, this should work.

get-winevent application | where { $xml = [xml]$_.toxml() 
  $ -like 'session*' } | select -first 3

   ProviderName: Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon

TimeCreated                     Id LevelDisplayName Message
-----------                     -- ---------------- -------
2/22/2020 11:05:30 AM         6000 Information      The winlogon notification subscriber <SessionEnv> was unavailable to handle a notification event.
2/22/2020 11:05:30 AM         6003 Information      The winlogon notification subscriber <SessionEnv> was unavailable to handle a critical notification event.
2/21/2020 6:28:38 PM          6000 Information      The winlogon notification subscriber <SessionEnv> was unavailable to handle a notification event.

$ # the last one


If you don't need the precision, it's easier to match on the message, which the data fields often appear in.

get-winevent application | where message -match session