Using ZeroMQ together with Boost::ASIO

After reading the documentation here and here, specifically this paragraph

ZMQ_FD: Retrieve file descriptor associated with the socket The ZMQ_FD option shall retrieve the file descriptor associated with the specified socket. The returned file descriptor can be used to integrate the socket into an existing event loop; the ØMQ library shall signal any pending events on the socket in an edge-triggered fashion by making the file descriptor become ready for reading.

I think you can use null_buffers for every zmq_pollitem_t and defer the event loop to an io_service, completely bypassing zmq_poll() altogether. There appear to be some caveats in the aforementioned documentation however, notably

The ability to read from the returned file descriptor does not necessarily indicate that messages are available to be read from, or can be written to, the underlying socket; applications must retrieve the actual event state with a subsequent retrieval of the ZMQ_EVENTS option.

So when the handler for one of your zmq sockets is fired, you'll have to do a little more work before handling the event I think. Uncompiled pseudo-code is below

const int fd = getZmqDescriptorSomehow();
boost::asio::posix::stream_descriptor socket( _io_service, fd );
    [=](const boost::system::error_code& error)
       if (!error) {
           // handle data ready to be read

note you don't have to use a lambda here, boost::bind to a member function would be sufficient.

In the end I figured out there are two possible solutions:

  • Sam Miller's where we use the event loop of ASIO
  • The ZeroMQ's event loop by getting the ASIO file descriptors though the .native() methods of the acceptor and the socket and inserting them into the array of zmq_pollitem_t

I have accepted the answer of Sam Miller as that's for me the best solution in SCGI case where constantly new connections are created and ended. Handling the thus every changing zmq_pollitem_t array is big hassle that can be avoided by using the ASIO event loop.

Obtaining the socket to ZeroMQ is the smallest part of the battle. ZeroMQ is based on a protocol which is layered over TCP, so you will have to reimplement ZeroMQ within a custom Boost.Asio io_service if you go this route. I ran into the same problem when creating an asynchronous ENet service using Boost.Asio by first simply trying to catch traffic from an ENet client using a Boost.Asio UDP service. ENet is a TCP like protocol layered over UDP, so all I achieved at that point was catching packets in a virtually useless state.

Boost.Asio is template based, and the built-in io_service's use templates to basically wrap the system socket library to create TCP and UDP service. My final solution was to create a custom io_service that wrapped the ENet library rather than the systems socket library, allowing it to use ENet's transport functions rather than having to reimplement them using the built-in UDP transport.

The same can be done for ZeroMQ, but ZeroMQ is already a very high performance network library in it's own right that already provides async I/O. I think you can create a viable solution by receiving messages using ZeroMQ's existing API and passing the messages into a io_service thread pool. That way messages/tasks will still be handled asynchronously using Boost.Asio's reactor pattern without having to re-write anything. ZeroMQ will provide the async I/O, Boost.Asio will provide the async task handlers/workers.

The existing io_service can still be coupled to an existing TCP socket as well, allowing the threadpool to handle both TCP (HTTP in your case) and ZeroMQ. It's entirely possible in such a setup for the ZeroMQ task handlers to access the TCP services session objects, allowing you to send results of the ZeroMQ message/task back to a TCP client.

The following is just to illustrate the concept.

// Create a pool of threads to run all of the io_services.
std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<boost::thread> > threads;
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < thread_pool_size_; ++i) {
    boost::shared_ptr<boost::thread> thread(new boost::thread(boost::bind(&boost::asio::io_service::run, &io_service_)));

while (1) {
    char buffer [10];
    zmq_recv (responder_, buffer, 10, 0);, buffer, this));