UWP app -Invalid package family name, after update certificate

I solved this issue. I made a mistake when creating new certificate. It must be so:

  1. Open Package.appxmanifest.
  2. Go to the "Packaging" tab.
  3. Copy Publisher DN(number after CN=)
  4. Click the button "Choose Certificate" and select the item "Create test certificate..."
  5. Copy the publisher DN from step 3 to the first editable text field

I found this MSDN blog: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/jamiedalton/2017/01/13/windows-store-error-updating-package-invalid-package-family-name/

The blog states that you should associate your App to the Store App using Visual Studio.

This seems to be the right answer.

Update for Visual Studio 2019

  1. Open Package.appxmanifest from Solution Explorer
  2. Go to "Packaging" tab
  3. Copy Publisher name after CN=. Looks like a GUID
  4. Click "Choose Certificate..."
  5. Click "Configure Certificate..."
  6. Click "Create..."
  7. Paste GUID from #3 into "Publisher Common Name"
  8. Proceed to create and save certificate

Problem seems that it defaults to developer name instead of using the original GUID