Vacuum analyze all tables in a schema postgres

The bash function below utilizes the CLI tool psql to vacuum analyze tables in a single schema which can be identified by either passing the name of the schema as the first parameter to the function or setting the environment variable PG_SCHEMA:

vacuum_analyze_schema() {
    # vacuum analyze only the tables in the specified schema

    # postgres info can be supplied by either passing it as parameters to this
    # function, setting environment variables or a combination of the two
    local pg_schema="${1:-${PG_SCHEMA}}"
    local pg_db="${2:-${PG_DB}}"
    local pg_user="${3:-${PG_USER}}"
    local pg_host="${4:-${PG_HOST}}"

    echo "Vacuuming schema \`${pg_schema}\`:"

    # extract schema table names from psql output and put them in a bash array
    local psql_tbls="\dt ${pg_schema}.*"
    local sed_str="s/${pg_schema}\s+\|\s+(\w+)\s+\|.*/\1/p"
    local table_names=$( echo "${psql_tbls}" | psql -d "${pg_db}" -U "${pg_user}" -h "${pg_host}"  | sed -nr "${sed_str}" )
    local tables_array=( $( echo "${table_names}" | tr '\n' ' ' ) )

    # loop through the table names creating and executing a vacuum
    # command for each one
    for t in "${tables_array[@]}"; do
        echo "doing table \`${t}\`..."
        psql -d "${pg_db}" -U "${pg_user}" -h "${pg_host}" \
            -c "VACUUM (ANALYZE) ${pg_schema}.${t};"

This function can be added to your .bashrc to provide the ability to invoke it from the command line at any time. Like the schema, Postgres connection and database values can be set by either supplying them as function parameters:

# params must be in this order
vacuum_analyze_schema '<your-pg-schema>' '<your-pg-db>' '<your-pg-user>' '<your-pg-host>'

or by setting environment variables:



or by a combination of both. Values passed as params will take precedence over corresponding environment vars.

Wouldn't it be simpler to:

psql -t -A -U postgres -c "select format('analyse verbose %I.%I;', n.nspname::varchar, t.relname::varchar) FROM pg_class t JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = t.relnamespace WHERE t.relkind = 'r' and n.nspname::varchar = 'your_schema' order by 1" | psql -U postgres

Options -t only prints rows (no headers) and -A avoid formatting

You can use the following pl/pgsql script (if you only want to analyze, vacuum cannot be executed from a function or multi-command string):

DO $$
  tab RECORD;
  schemaName VARCHAR := 'your_schema';
  for tab in (select t.relname::varchar AS table_name
                FROM pg_class t
                JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = t.relnamespace
                WHERE t.relkind = 'r' and n.nspname::varchar = schemaName
                order by 1)
    RAISE NOTICE 'ANALYZE %.%', schemaName, tab.table_name;
    EXECUTE format('ANALYZE %I.%I', schemaName, tab.table_name);
  end loop;

