Vagrant network collides with a non-hostonly network

Check the IP you have on your LAN connection and make sure no devices are colliding with the IP on your Vagrantfile.

I got this error and I had on my laptop's wifi and I was setting on my Vagrantfile. So I changed the IP on my Vagrantfile to to make sure it won't collide with any device on my network.

I had the same issue when I was working from home so what I did on my Vagrantfile was:

# :private_network, ip: '' # work :private_network, ip: '' # home

and I comment/uncomment depending on where I am.

I had the same challenge, and did the following to solve it:

In VirtualBox, go to File -> Host Network Manager

Take note of the IPv4 address in this window. In your Vagrantfile, use any IP in the reserved private IPv4 network range. Let's say your VirtualBox IPv4 address is In your Vagrantfile you could then add "private_network", ip: ""

Remember to configure your hosts file accordingly, should that be required.