Valgrind: disable conditional jump (or whole library) check

Adding the option


works for me (hide all "Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)").

For more information see Valgrind's man page.

Valgrind can be configured to suppress errors in libraries.

Details on this you find here:

From the web-page linked above:

Note: By far the easiest way to add suppressions is to use the --gen-suppressions=yes option described in Core Command-line Options. This generates suppressions automatically. For best results, though, you may want to edit the output of --gen-suppressions=yes by hand, in which case it would be advisable to read through this section.

You need to compile OpenSSL with the PURIFY flag (-DPURIFY in CFLAGS) to get rid of the errors. Do not use the version compiled that way in your final application, only for debugging purpose, because it decreases the entropy used in various places.

For example, compile OpenSSL in debug mode with :

./config -d no-static shared zlib -Wa,--noexecstack -DPURIFY -O0 -ggdb3