Valuebox like function for static reports

I extended HAVB's answer to make the appearance more like valueboxes by using the Emojifont R package.

Below is the code modified from HAVB's answer including a mix of font-awesome icons and emojis. I also broke up the text parts into the large (value) and small (info) text so that I could size them differently.

df <- data.frame(
    x = rep(seq(2, 15, 6.5), 2),
    y = c(rep(6.5, 3), rep(2,3)),
    h = rep(4.25, 6),
    w = rep(6.25, 6),
    value = c("78%",
             "< 0.5"),
    info = c("meaningless plots",
             "hours wasted",
             "zombies prefer brains",
             "dogs go to heaven",
             "target pvalue"),
    icon = c(fontawesome(search_fontawesome("chart")),
    font_family = c(rep("fontawesome-webfont", 5),
    color = factor(1:6)

ggplot(df, aes(x, y, height = h, width = w, label = info)) +
    ## Create the tiles using the `color` column
    geom_tile(aes(fill = color)) +
    ## Add the numeric values as text in `value` column
    geom_text(color = "white", fontface = "bold", size = 10,
              aes(label = value, x = x - 2.9, y = y + 1), hjust = 0) +
    ## Add the labels for each box stored in the `info` column
    geom_text(color = "white", fontface = "bold",
              aes(label = info, x = x - 2.9, y = y - 1), hjust = 0) +
    coord_fixed() +
    scale_fill_brewer(type = "qual",palette = "Dark2") +
    ## Use `geom_text()` to add the icons by specifying the unicode symbol.
    geom_text(size = 20, aes(label = icon, family = font_family,
                             x = x + 1.5, y = y + 0.5), alpha = 0.25) +
    theme_void() +
    guides(fill = FALSE)

resulting plot

I think the result is quite nice and could be further improved to be more aesthetically pleasing.

ggplot2's geom_tile can be used to make colorful rectangles, and then geom_text to add the labels/info. The solution is clunky compared with the ease of using infobox / valuebox in shiny, but it will do.


df <- data.frame(
    x = rep(seq(2, 15, 6.5), 2),
    y = c(rep(2,3), rep(6.5, 3)),
    h = rep(4, 6),
    w = rep(6, 6),
    info = c("78%\nmeaningless plots",
             "+10K\nhours wasted",
             "8/10\nzombies prefer brains",
             "ALL\ndogs go to heaven",
             "< 0.5\ntarget pvalue"),
    color = factor(1:6)

ggplot(df, aes(x, y, height = h, width = w, label = info, fill = color)) +
    geom_tile() +
    geom_text(color = "white", fontface = "bold") +
    coord_fixed() + 
    scale_fill_brewer(type = "qual",palette = "Dark2") +
    theme_void() +
    guides(fill = F)

enter image description here

Extending your solution to display a data frame using your design in the same arrangement as it would print to the console:

The data frame:

    mydata = data.frame(x1 = c(1,2,3,4,5),
                        x2 = c(9,8,7,6,5),
                        label = c("description a",
                                  "description b",
                                  "description c",
                                  "description d",
                                  "description e"))

Intended to display as:

1  9 description a
2  8 description b
3  7 description c
4  6 description d
5  5 description e

Done with the following:

ht = 3
wd1 = 3
wd2 = 9
gap = 0.5
nc = ncol(mydata)
nr = nrow(mydata)

x = rep(c(seq(0,(nc-2)*(wd1+gap), wd1+gap), (nc-2)*(wd1+gap) + gap + 0.5*(wd2+wd1)), nr)
y = rep(seq(0,(nr-1)*(ht+gap), ht+gap), nc) %>% sort()
h = rep(ht, nr * nc)
w = rep(c(rep(wd1, nc-1), wd2), nr)
info = as.vector(t(as.matrix(mydata[nr:1,])))

df = data.frame(x = x, y = y, h = h, w = w, info = info)

ggplot(df, aes(x, y, height = h, width = w, label = info)) +
  geom_tile() +
  geom_text(color = "white", fontface = "bold") +
  coord_fixed() + 
  scale_fill_brewer(type = "qual",palette = "Dark2") +
  theme_void() +
  guides(fill = F)

With the following result: Resulting Valuebox-like plot

I created a function to make the code from @StefanAvey more portable.

I put it on GitHub in a repository, so anyone can make it better.

Right now, the height and width of the boxes, padding between them, and the number of rows are arguments.

There are a few things I have not implemented, like treatment for rows of unequal length.

createValueBoxes <- function(df, h = 4, w = 6, padding=0.5, rows = 2){
  # required packages
  # verify our inputs
  if (! {
    stop(paste("Argument", deparse(substitute(df)), "must be a data.frame."))
  if(!all(i <- rlang::has_name(df,c("values", "infos", "icons")))){
      "%s does not contain: %s",
      paste(columns[!i], collapse=", ")))
  boxes = nrow(df) # number of items passed
  # calculate the grid
  cols = boxes/rows
  plotdf <- data.frame(
    x = rep(seq(0, (w+padding)*cols-1, w+padding), times=rows),
    y = rep(seq(0, (h+padding)*rows-1, h+padding), each=cols),
    h = rep(h, boxes),
    w = rep(w, boxes),
    value = df$values,
    info = df$infos,
    icon = fontawesome(df$icons),
    font_family = c(rep("fontawesome-webfont", boxes)),
    color = factor(1:boxes)
  ggplot(plotdf, aes(x, y, height = h, width = w, label = info)) +
    ## Create the tiles using the `color` column
    geom_tile(aes(fill = color)) +
    ## Add the numeric values as text in `value` column
    geom_text(color = "white", fontface = "bold", size = 10,
              aes(label = value, x = x - w/2.2, y = y + h/4), hjust = 0) +
    ## Add the labels for each box stored in the `info` column
    geom_text(color = "white", fontface = "bold",
              aes(label = info, x = x - w/2.2, y = y-h/4), hjust = 0) +
    coord_fixed() +
    scale_fill_brewer(type = "qual",palette = "Dark2") +
    ## Use `geom_text()` to add the icons by specifying the unicode symbol.
    geom_text(size = 20, aes(label = icon, family = font_family,
                             x = x + w/4, y = y + h/8), alpha = 0.25) +
    theme_void() +
    guides(fill = FALSE)

It would be called like so:

df <- data.frame(
values=c("50%", "7", "1245"), 
infos=c("now", "super", "hours"), 
icons=c("fa-gear", "fa-diamond", "fa-tasks")
createValueBoxes(df, rows=1)

The result from this example is: 3 value boxes