excel generate guid code example
Example: How can I generate GUIDs in Excel
'Native and fast VBA function to create a GUID / UUID
'that does not rely upon Scriptlet.TypeLib or any external library.
'Call the function like so:
Function GUID$(Optional lowercase As Boolean, Optional parens As Boolean)
Dim k&, h$
GUID = Space(36)
For k = 1 To Len(GUID)
Select Case k
Case 9, 14, 19, 24: h = "-"
Case 15: h = "4"
Case 20: h = Hex(Rnd * 3 + 8)
Case Else: h = Hex(Rnd * 15)
End Select
Mid$(GUID, k, 1) = h
If lowercase Then GUID = LCase$(GUID)
If parens Then GUID = "{" & GUID & "}"
End Function
'Notes: Called with no arguments, the function returns a string.
' GUID() looks like:
' A0077A2B-5935-4BDA-9333-4FDF81C23418
' 3c763963-7a55-41c5-a04e-401955387e5c
' GUID(1) looks like:
' 3c763963-7a55-41c5-a04e-401955387e5c
' GUID(, 1) looks like:
' {4B98B15B-8B21-49A4-ACEB-58879135D227}
' GUID(False, True) looks like:
' {3256a225-76e4-4906-91ad-dcea8a377cdd}
'Caveat: This function generates a Version 4 (random) GUID / UUID.
' Version 4 GUIDs should only be used for identification
' and not security.
' http://guid.one/guid
' https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4122.txt
' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier
' https://betterexplained.com/articles/the-quick-guide-to-guids/