js iso string to date code example

Example 1: js string to date

var myDate = new Date("2013/1/16");

var str = "2013/1/16";
var strToDate = new Date(str);

Example 2: parse date from string in js

//dateString is like 2020-10-10 / 2020-10-10T10:20:20

Example 3: how to get time and date from iso string javascript

const myDate = "2012-10-16T11:00:28.556094Z";
const time = new Date(myDate).toLocaleTimeString('en',
                 { timeStyle: 'short', hour12: false, timeZone: 'UTC' });

// Output:  "11:00"

Example 4: iso to date javascript

date = new Date('2013-03-10T02:00:00Z');
date.getFullYear()+'-' + (date.getMonth()+1) + '-'+date.getDate();//prints expected format.

Example 5: iso to date javascript

date = new Date('2013-08-03T02:00:00Z');
year = date.getFullYear();
month = date.getMonth()+1;
dt = date.getDate();

if (dt < 10) {
  dt = '0' + dt;
if (month < 10) {
  month = '0' + month;

console.log(year+'-' + month + '-'+dt);

Example 6: transform a date to iso string to date in javascript

date = new Date(dateISOString);
        year = date.getFullYear();
        month = date.getMonth()+1;
        day = date.getDate();
        hour = date.getHours();
        minutes = date.getMinutes();

        if (day < 10) {
            dt = '0' + dt;
        if (month < 10) {
            month = '0' + month;

        return finalDate = `${year}/${month}/${day} - ${hour}h:${minutes}mn`;


Vb Example