vba check type of variable code example
Example: vba varType get description
Function VarTypeDescription(var) As String
Select Case VarType(var)
Case vbEmpty: VarTypeDescription = "Empty (uninitialized)"
Case vbNull: VarTypeDescription = "Null (no valid data)"
Case vbInteger: VarTypeDescription = "Integer"
Case vbLong: VarTypeDescription = "Long integer"
Case vbSingle: VarTypeDescription = "Single-precision floating-point number"
Case vbDouble: VarTypeDescription = "Double-precision floating-point number"
Case vbCurrency: VarTypeDescription = "Currency value"
Case vbDate: VarTypeDescription = "Date value"
Case vbString: VarTypeDescription = "String"
Case vbObject: VarTypeDescription = "Object"
Case vbError: VarTypeDescription = "Error value"
Case vbBoolean: VarTypeDescription = "Boolean value"
Case vbVariant: VarTypeDescription = "Variant (used only with arrays of variants)"
Case vbDataObject: VarTypeDescription = "A data access object"
Case vbDecimal: VarTypeDescription = "Decimal value"
Case vbByte: VarTypeDescription = "Byte value"
Case vbLongLong: VarTypeDescription = "LongLong integer (valid on 64-bit platforms only)"
Case vbUserDefinedType: VarTypeDescription = "Variants that contain user-defined types"
Case vbArray: VarTypeDescription = "Array (always added to another constant when returned by this function)"
End Select
End Function