vba sort column code example
Example 1: vba sort the data Z to A
Sub sbSortDataInExcel()
'Delcaring the strDataRange as range store the target range to sort
Dim strDataRange As Range
'Delcaring the keyRange as range store the Sort key range to sort by
Dim keyRange As Range
'Assigning the target sort Range to strDataRange
Set strDataRange = Range("A1:D10")
'Assigning the sort key Range to keyRange
Set keyRange = Range("A1")
'Sorting the data using range objects and Sort method
strDataRange.Sort Key1:=keyRange, Order1:=xlAscending
End Sub
Example 2: vba sort the data Z to A
Sub sb_VBA_Sort_Data_Ascending()
Range("A1:D10").Sort _
Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlAscending
End Sub