VBA - Remove Password from OLEDB Connection String

@TomJohnRiddle points out that I should look at modifying the connection string similar to the following question. Initially I was concerned that taking this approach could prompt the user with a login screen after modifying the connection string. However since I don't have any better ideas I gave it a shot, and it seems to work, here's what I've mocked up:

Public Sub RemovePasswordByNamePrefix()
    Dim cn As Object
    Dim oledbCn As OLEDBConnection

    Dim regEx As New RegExp
    regEx.Pattern = "Password=[^;]*;"

    For Each cn In ThisWorkbook.connections            
        Set oledbCn = cn.OLEDBConnection
        oledbCn.SavePassword = False

        oledbCn.connection = regEx.Replace(oledbCn.connection, "")
        oledbCn.CommandText = "" 'My app repopulates this after open
End Sub

and it seems to work:

enter image description here

So I think I'll go with this approach, but I'm still open to other suggestions. Would be nice to clear everything and fully reload it, but so far that doesn't appear to be possible.

I'm also concerned with what versions of VBA support the "Regex" references. I would like something that would be Excel 2010+ 32/64 bit compatible. I have yet to test this on any older version(I'm currently running Office 365). I assume it will all work fine, but I've been unpleasantly surprised with these things in the past.

See this on SQL Server authentication Authentication in SQL Server. There it says you can use 100% Windows Authentication or you can use Mixed-Mode (Windows Authentication and passwords). If you really want to banish passwords from connection strings do not install with Mixed Mode Authentication just run 100% Windows Authentication. However, there may be some code already deployed written to use passwords so that may not always be practical.

So, the other way to discipline no passwords is to use

Integrated Security=true; 

in your connection strings. This Stack Overflow question on the subject is well visited.