vector icon component in react native code example
Example 1: react native vector icon
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome';
const myIcon = <Icon name="rocket" size={30} color="#900" />;
Example 2: icon shwoing a box react native vector icons
In 'android/app/build.gradle' (not in android/build.gradle),
apply from: "../../node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/fonts.gradle"
react-native link react-native-vector-icons
react-native run-android
react-native start
Example 3: react native vector icons
Following steps will help add vector icons to use in react-native cli
1-npm install --save react-native-vector-icons
2-Edit android/app/build.gradle : (add below code)
apply from: "../../node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/fonts.gradle"
3-Edit android/app/build.gradle : (add below code to dependencies)
dependencies {
compile project(':react-native-vector-icons')
4-run following command from project root directory
npm install
5-start project again
6-run project in android with following command
npx react-native run-android