Vectorize finding closest value in an array for each element in another array

If the array is large, you should use searchsorted:

import numpy as np
known_array = np.random.rand(1000)
test_array = np.random.rand(400)

differences = (test_array.reshape(1,-1) - known_array.reshape(-1,1))
indices = np.abs(differences).argmin(axis=0)
residual = np.diagonal(differences[indices,])


CPU times: user 11 ms, sys: 15 ms, total: 26 ms
Wall time: 26.4 ms

searchsorted version:


index_sorted = np.argsort(known_array)
known_array_sorted = known_array[index_sorted]

idx1 = np.searchsorted(known_array_sorted, test_array)
idx2 = np.clip(idx1 - 1, 0, len(known_array_sorted)-1)

diff1 = known_array_sorted[idx1] - test_array
diff2 = test_array - known_array_sorted[idx2]

indices2 = index_sorted[np.where(diff1 <= diff2, idx1, idx2)]
residual2 = test_array - known_array[indices]


CPU times: user 0 ns, sys: 0 ns, total: 0 ns
Wall time: 311 µs

We can check that the results is the same:

assert np.all(residual == residual2)
assert np.all(indices == indices2)

TL;DR: use numpy.searchsorted().

import inspect
from timeit import timeit
import numpy as np

known_array = np.arange(-10, 10)
test_array = np.random.randint(-10, 10, 1000)
number = 1000

def base(known_array, test_array):
    def find_nearest(known_array, value):
        idx = (np.abs(known_array - value)).argmin()
        return idx
    indices = np.zeros_like(test_array, dtype=known_array.dtype)
    for i in range(len(test_array)):
        indices[i] =  find_nearest(known_array, test_array[i])
    return indices

def diffs(known_array, test_array):
    differences = (test_array.reshape(1,-1) - known_array.reshape(-1,1))
    indices = np.abs(differences).argmin(axis=0)
    return indices

def searchsorted1(known_array, test_array):
    index_sorted = np.argsort(known_array)
    known_array_sorted = known_array[index_sorted]
    idx1 = np.searchsorted(known_array_sorted, test_array)
    idx1[idx1 == len(known_array)] = len(known_array)-1
    idx2 = np.clip(idx1 - 1, 0, len(known_array_sorted)-1)
    diff1 = known_array_sorted[idx1] - test_array
    diff2 = test_array - known_array_sorted[idx2]
    indices2 = index_sorted[np.where(diff1 <= diff2, idx1, idx2)]
    return indices2

def searchsorted2(known_array, test_array):
    index_sorted = np.argsort(known_array)
    known_array_sorted = known_array[index_sorted]
    known_array_middles = known_array_sorted[1:] - np.diff(known_array_sorted.astype('f'))/2
    idx1 = np.searchsorted(known_array_middles, test_array)
    indices = index_sorted[idx1]
    return indices

def time_f(func_name):
    return timeit(func_name+"(known_array, test_array)",
        'from __main__ import known_array, test_array, ' + func_name, number=number)

base_time = time_f('base')
for func_name in ['diffs', 'searchsorted1', 'searchsorted2']:
    print func_name + ' is x%.1f faster than base.' % (base_time / time_f(func_name))


diffs is x29.9 faster than base.
searchsorted1 is x37.4 faster than base.
searchsorted2 is x64.3 faster than base.