Velocity Templates - New Line

I needed a new line for generating javascript. Well, I didn't need it of course, but it made reading the generated code easier while developing. In this case, I just set a variable so that the Velocity was easier to read. This is all you need:

Velocity Code:

#set( $newline="
#set( $jsCode = "var bling='blang';{$newline}var bark='bite';{$newline}" )


var bling='blang';
var bark='bite';

We had issues with newlines and ended up putting a property on the VelocityContext:

VelocityContext ctx = new VelocityContext();
ctx.put("newline", "\n");

Then, wherever we needed to use a newline, we would reference the context variable:


We use this in cases where we need to replace newlines in a string with <br />.