Verify a ballot triangle

Jelly, 20 bytes


For valid ballot triangles, run time and memory usage are at least O(n!), where n is the number of entries of the triangle. Invalid ones are recognized by crashing, thus printing nothing.

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Test run

Locally, I was able to verify that a(4) is calculated correctly.

$ time jelly eun ';Zµ⁼Ṣ€¶ẋÇFŒ!ṁ€⁸ÇÐfL’' '[1],[2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9,10]'

real    6m9.829s
user    6m7.930s
sys     0m2.579s

How it works

;Zµ⁼Ṣ€         Helper link. Argument: T (triangular array)

 Z             Zip/transpose T.
;              Concatenate the original and the transposed copy.
  µ            Begin a new monadic chain, with the previous result (R) as argument.
    Ṣ€         Sort each array in R.
   ⁼           Test for equality with R.
               This returns 1 if T is a ballot triangle, 0 if not.

ẋÇFŒ!ṁ€⁸ÇÐfL’  Main link. Argument: A (triangular array)

 Ç             Call the helper link with argument A.
ẋ              Repeat A that many times.
               This yields an empty array if A is not a ballot triangle.
  F            Flatten the result.
   Œ!          Generate all permutations of the digits of A.
     ṁ€⁸       Mold each permutation like A, i.e., give it triangular form.
               This crashes if permutation array is empty.
        ÇÐf    Filter; keep permutations for which the helper link returns 1.
           L’  Compute the length and decrement it.

Brachylog, 44 bytes


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This runs in double-exponential time, so for truthy testcases you would need to believe me that it theoretically produces the correct result, for triangles with length greater than or equal to 3.

You can still test for falsey testcases, those should terminate rather quickly.

JavaScript (ES6), 143 bytes


Searches the triangle for an invalid entry and then uses a recursive formulation of the formula in OEIS to calculate the result.