Verify rabbitmq credentials are valid
Here's a way to check using Python:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import socket
from kombu import Connection
host = "localhost"
port = 5672
user = "guest"
password = "guest"
vhost = "/"
url = 'amqp://{0}:{1}@{2}:{3}/{4}'.format(user, password, host, port, vhost)
with Connection(url) as c:
except socket.error:
raise ValueError("Received socket.error, "
"rabbitmq server probably isn't running")
except IOError:
raise ValueError("Received IOError, probably bad credentials")
print "Credentials are valid"
As you haven't provided any details about language, etc.:
You could simply issue a HTTP GET request to the management api.
$ curl -i -u guest:guest http://localhost:15672/api/whoami
See RabbitMQ Management HTTP API