Verifying firebase custom token to get token ID fails when using jsonwebtoken

If you dont want to use signInWithCustomToken() this is the correct way to do it

const publicKey = new NodeRSA().importKey(serviceAccount.private_key, "pkcs8-private-pem").exportKey("pkcs8-public-pem")

jwt.verify(token, publicKey, {
        algorithms: ["RS256"]
    }, (err, decoded) => {
        if (err) {
            # send some error response
                status: 0,
                message: "Token is invalid!"
        } else {
            # send some valid response
                status: 1,
                message: "Token is valid for uid " + decoded.uid

It looks like you're calling verifyIdToken with a custom token. That's not going to work. verifyIdToken only accepts "ID tokens". To obtain an ID token from a custom token first call signInWithCustomToken(). Then call getToken() on the signed in user instance.