Vertical alignment of align* in enumerate

I had been using Philippe Goutet's solution posted here, but have fairly recently found a simpler solution of using the aligned environment with the optional [t] alignment:

  \item $\begin{aligned}[t]
    x^2 + y^2 &= x^2 + (iy)^2 \\
              &= (x + iy) (x - iy)

which yields:

enter image description here


  • The showframe package was used to show the page margins.



  \item $\begin{aligned}[t]
    x^2 + y^2 &= x^2 + (iy)^2 \\
              &= (x + iy) (x - iy)
  \item $\begin{aligned}[t]
    \frac{1}{n^2-4} &= \frac14 \frac{4}{(n-2)(n+2)} \\
                    &= \frac14 \left( \frac{1}{n-2}-\frac{1}{n+2} \right)

If you want them horizontally centered as is the default with the align environment you could add an \hfill on either side:

  \item \hfill$\begin{aligned}[t]
    x^2 + y^2 &= x^2 + (iy)^2 \\
              &= (x + iy) (x - iy)

enter image description here



  \item \hfill$\begin{aligned}[t]
    x^2 + y^2 &= x^2 + (iy)^2 \\
              &= (x + iy) (x - iy)
  \item \hfill$\begin{aligned}[t]
    \frac{1}{n^2-4} &= \frac14 \frac{4}{(n-2)(n+2)} \\
                    &= \frac14 \left( \frac{1}{n-2}-\frac{1}{n+2} \right)

There is a way to automatically measure the space between the beginning of the \item and the first line of the {align*} with the pdftex primitive \pdfsavepos. The savepos option of the zref package allows a rather nice interface for this feature.

The code works like this: you place a \mi macro where you want the material to be and you place a \md (you can change these names if you don't like them) where the material is. For example,

  \item \mi\begin{align*}\md
      x^2 + y^2 &= x^2 + (iy)^2 \\
              &= (x + iy) (x - iy)

After a few compilation (up to 4 may be needed), you will obtain perfect alignment of the equation and the item number.

Here's the full code, showing how the alignment works with a few equations and a table. I've also put a variant in which I redefined {align*} so that \mi and \md are not necessary anymore (making it easier to type).

result of the code



    {\edef\autoenumvspace@value{\csname autoenumvspacevalue\romannumeral\value{autoenumvspace}\endcsname}%
     {\immediate\write\@mainaux{\gdef\expandafter\noexpand\csname autoenumvspacevalue\romannumeral\value{autoenumvspace}\endcsname{\csname autoenumvspacevalue\romannumeral\value{autoenumvspace}\endcsname}}}%
        \immediate\write\@mainaux{\gdef\expandafter\noexpand\csname autoenumvspacevalue\romannumeral\value{autoenumvspace}\endcsname{\the\dimexpr\zposy{auto@enum@\number\value{autoenumvspace}@bottom}sp-\zposy{auto@enum@\number\value{autoenumvspace}@top}sp\relax}}%
        \immediate\write\@mainaux{\gdef\expandafter\noexpand\csname autoenumvspacevalue\romannumeral\value{autoenumvspace}\endcsname{\the\dimexpr\zposy{auto@enum@\number\value{autoenumvspace}@bottom}sp-\zposy{auto@enum@\number\value{autoenumvspace}@top}sp\relax}}%


\section{Manual version}

\begin{enumerate}\belowdisplayskip=0pt \abovedisplayskip=0pt % optional
  \item \mi\begin{align*}\md
      x^2 + y^2 &= x^2 + (iy)^2 \\
              &= (x + iy) (x - iy)
  \item \mi\begin{align*}\md
     \frac{1}{n^2-4} &= \frac14 \frac{4}{(n-2)(n+2)} \\
                    &= \frac14 \left( \frac{1}{n-2}-\frac{1}{n+2} \right)
      \item \mi\[\md x^n + y^n = z^n\]
      \item \mi\[\md \sum_{n=1}^{+\infty}{\frac{1}{n^2}} = \frac{\pi^2}{6}\]
      \item \mi
\md text & text & text \\
text & text & text \\

\section{Automatic version}

\begin{enumerate}\belowdisplayskip=0pt \abovedisplayskip=0pt % optional
  \math@cr \black@\totwidth@
  \item \begin{align*}
      x^2 + y^2 &= x^2 + (iy)^2 \\
              &= (x + iy) (x - iy)
  \item \begin{align*}
     \frac{1}{n^2-4} &= \frac14 \frac{4}{(n-2)(n+2)} \\
                    &= \frac14 \left( \frac{1}{n-2}-\frac{1}{n+2} \right)
      \item \[ x^n + y^n = z^n\]
      \item \[ \sum_{n=1}^{+\infty}{\frac{1}{n^2}} = \frac{\pi^2}{6}\]
      \item \mi
\md text & text & text \\
text & text & text \\


You can put the numbers as equation tags into the first line of the align* environment if you use the leqno option: \tag*{1.}. If you want to get automatic numbering, the following code can help you:


  x^2 + y^2 &= x^2 - (iy)^2 \\
            &= (x + iy) (x - iy)
  \frac{1}{n^2-4} &= \frac14 \frac{4}{(n-2)(n+2)} \\
                  &= \frac14 \left( \frac{1}{n-2}-\frac{1}{n+2} \right)


Concerning your additional question in the comment: I don't know exactly know what output you're aiming at, but you can try this:

              \ifnum\value{subnumber}=1 \arabic{exercisenumber}\fi