vertical equality in

You can define a custom macro to do this for you:

enter image description here

The \mathclap was added to ensure that cases of wide text is handled properly:

enter image description here


  • How to stack boxes like a vertical version of \mbox?



    % #1 = center
    % #2 = above
    % #3 = symbol above
    % #4 = below
    % #5 = symbol below
    A = \VerticalRelations{0}{C}{\veq}{D}{\vneq} \neq B
and check appropriate spacing for longer ``above" and ``below" text:
 A = \VerticalRelations{0}{C}{\veq}{D\neq B}{\vneq} \neq B

Relatively straightforward with stacks. In essence, the vertical equality is the \tabbedCenterstack, using rotated equality signs \req and \rne.

For the first example, I just used a conventional stack, though for the more complex examples, a full tabular stack makes it easiest.

\left.\frac{\partial f(A,B,C,D)}{\partial A}\right|
\raisebox{.9\baselineskip}{$_{A = \tabbedCenterstack{C\\ \req\\0\\ \rne\\ D} \ne B}$}

\left.\frac{\partial f(A,B,C,D)}{\partial A}\right|
{$_{\tabularCenterstack{rcl}{A = & 0&\\ &\req&\\&D& \ne B = C}}$}

\left.\frac{\partial f(A,B,C,D)}{\partial A}\right|
{$_{\tabularCenterstack{rcl}{L = & 0&\\ &\req&\\A = &0& \ne B = F\\
  &\rne&\\ &D&\ne B\\&\rne&\\&E&}}$}

enter image description here

Note: the \TABbinary is not needed in \scriptstyle, but would be needed in \displaystyle, to place the proper spacing around the relational operators that appear immediately after a &.