Vertical help lines only in TikZ

You can use ystep to fix the number of horizontal lines. For example, if you use ystep=10 with a 10 X 10 grid:




  \draw [help lines, dashed,ystep=10] (0,0) grid(10,10);


you get

enter image description here

And there is always brute force:




  \foreach \x in {0,...,9}{
  \draw [help lines, dashed] (\x,0) -- (\x,10);


enter image description here

Since version 3.1 of TikZ you can use ystep=0 (or negative) to skip the vertical lines. And same for the horizontal lines with xstep=0.

    \draw[help lines, dashed] (0,0) grid[ystep=0] (10,10);

enter image description here


Tikz Pgf