Vertically centering symbols and graphics inside math formulas

In math-mode, you can easily vertically center a picture using \vcenter{\hbox{..}}.

\setmathfont{STIX Two Math}



        1+\vcenter{\hbox{\includegraphics[width=2cm]{a.png}}} + 1+\text{A}=2


enter image description here

The following macro \TextVCenter centers text vertically around the math axis. It respects the different math styles and also works in text mode.




  1 + \TextVCenter{\dingo A} = 2

  $\displaystyle 1 + \TextVCenter{\dingo A} = 2$

  $\scriptstyle 1 + \TextVCenter{\dingo A} = 2$

  $\scriptscriptstyle 1 + \TextVCenter{\dingo A} = 2$




  • \text from package amstext (or loaded by amsmath or mathtools) adapts the text sizes to the math style.

  • \vcenter is a math command for centering vertical box material vertically around the math axis.

  • \hbox in opposite to \mbox avoids that a new paragraph with width \hsize starts in the vertical box of \vcenter.

And with the tail sticking to the left:



    \TextVCenter{\dingo A}%


  1 + \DingoA = 2

  $\displaystyle 1 + \DingoA = 2$

  $\scriptstyle 1 + \DingoA = 2$

  $\scriptscriptstyle 1 + \DingoA = 2$



The simplest way is to use (or abuse, perhaps) array:





enter image description here