View random ngrok URL when run in background

If you want to get the first tunnel then jq will be your friend:

curl -s localhost:4040/api/tunnels | jq -r .tunnels[0].public_url

When running more than one instance of ngrok then use the tunnel name /api/tunnels/:name.

Run ./ngrok http & This runs the ngrok tunnel as a background process. Ngrok usually opens a window showing the assigned URL but since we are using the nohup command this is not visible.

Thus, then run curl too see the URL assigned by ngrok

This little Python (2.7) script will call the ngrok API and print the current URL's:

import json
import os 

os.system("curl  http://localhost:4040/api/tunnels > tunnels.json")

with open('tunnels.json') as data_file:    
    datajson = json.load(data_file)

msg = "ngrok URL's: \n'
for i in datajson['tunnels']:
  msg = msg + i['public_url'] +'\n'

print (msg)

There are a couple of ways.

You can either:

1) Visit localhost:4040/status in your browser to see a bunch of information, or

2) Use curl to hit the API: localhost:4040/api/tunnels

