view testing in database code example
Example 1: database testing
It is a Java-based data access technology used for Java database connectivity.
It provides classes and interfaces to connect or communicate Java
application with database.
JDBC API is a Java API that can access any kind of data stored in
a Relational Database. It enables Java programs to execute SQL statements.
How did you do DB testing in your framework?
In my automation framework I have DB Utilities class which handles
everything related to setting up connections, closing connections,
getting data from database and storing results from database into
different collections, arrays, etc. So that I can easily work with it.
Example 2: database testing
In my company I verify the UI response with database
response as well as api response for database verification
1- I am checking if correct data is getting saved
in the database after successful submit
2- Checking if data is rolled back from database
in case of failed transactions
3-I am checking if data is committed to the database
only when transaction is successful Example: some patients
don't have permission to request refill it has to be thru physician.
4-I am also testing data integrity to check whether
data stored in correct places as planned.
Currently I use Oracle DB to manually verify database
and I use Jdbc to integrate java by getting a
Connection from oracle database then I create
STATEMENTS for using SQL queries and I create
RESULTSET object to store my data. I use
Java data structures to compare results and storing them.
n my framework I have database utility class which
handles everything related to setting up connections,
closing connections, getting data from database and
storing results from database into different collections arrays etc.
So that I can easily work with it.
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url,username, password)
//throws SQL exception:checked exception
Statement statement = connection.CreateStatement()
//throws SQL exception: checked exception
ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("Query")