ViewDestroyedError: Attempt to use a destroyed view: detectChanges

The issue is the close action of the dialog is removing the item from the view, and your EventDispatcher IS NOT AN ANGULAR METHOD so it fires outside the zone context and freaks it out. It goes like this:

  • Dialog exists in view, sets state
  • Clicks close
  • Fires your event to start
  • Your event is read (out of context)
  • Deletes from view (still out of context)
  • Change detection finally catches up to look for changes in your component, OH SNAP WHERE'S THE COMPONENT?

You can either use a different method to communicate with the dialog, or switch to onPush() for change detection

I suggest you Use the afterClosed handle instead:

this. authEmailDialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(result => {
  console.log(`Dialog result: ${result}`); // Pizza!

I pulled that snippet straight from the docs: HERE

Padegal Saigiriraj is right. But instead of ViewRef_ use ViewRef. In short:

setTimeout(() => {
  if (this.cdr && !(this.cdr as ViewRef).destroyed) {

ViewRef stands for Angular view, specifically the host view as Angular site describes.

the reason that this issue is happening that you are deleting the reference on the sortableData or dragableData on the change event. in abstract class, the detectChange method is waiting for 250 ms before firing the change detect, at that time your view and component will be destroyed.

setTimeout(() => {
        if (this.cdr !== null && this.cdr !== undefined &&
          !(this.cdr as ViewRef_).destroyed) {
      }, 250);