ViewPager nested in ViewPager

I added an OnTouchListener to the interior ViewPager:

private OnTouchListener mSuppressInterceptListener = new OnTouchListener() {

    public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
                event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN &&
                v instanceof ViewGroup
        ) {
                ((ViewGroup) v).requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true);
        return false;

This just detects ACTION_DOWN touch events on the inner ViewPager and prevents the outer one from intercepting it. Because it returns false, only the ACTION_DOWN event should be hit; all the other events will be ignored. You can add this listener to every element you want to "protect" from the outer ViewPager's scrolling, though obviously if you want to pick up any other touch behaviour on those elements you'll need to deal with them inside the touch listener and possibly implement a better listener.