Vim: close all tabs to the right
No native commands for this exist, but you can create your own fairly easily using Vim script. Here is a basic example that lets you close the tabs to the right of the current tab, and the tabs to the left:
function! TabCloseRight(bang)
let cur=tabpagenr()
while cur < tabpagenr('$')
exe 'tabclose' . a:bang . ' ' . (cur + 1)
function! TabCloseLeft(bang)
while tabpagenr() > 1
exe 'tabclose' . a:bang . ' 1'
command! -bang Tabcloseright call TabCloseRight('<bang>')
command! -bang Tabcloseleft call TabCloseLeft('<bang>')
Slightly improved version of davidxk's answer that works with multiple splits per tab:
:.+1,$tabdo :tabc
You can use the tabdo
command which allows you to run a command on a range of tabs.
:.+1,$tabdo :q
You could also put this in your vimrc so that you don't have to memorize the details of this command. You can do something like:
command -nargs=0 Tabr :.+1,$tabdo :q