Vim colorscheme change

Custom colorschemes should go in ~/.vim/colors/, and adding the colorscheme line in your ~/.vimrc should work. So it sounds like you're doing that right.

Double-check that you don't have some other colorscheme line lower down in your vimrc or in an included config file that might be overriding it.

Also double-check that your .vimrc is being loaded as expected. One easy way to tell is by trying to load a nonexistant colorscheme name - if the line is being parsed, then you should get an error like:

E185: Cannot find color scheme foobarbaz

If your colorscheme line is being correctly parsed, you need to check if your terminal is correctly configured to display the colors.

Try setting your terminal colours in your .bashrc/.bash_profile to:

export TERM=xterm-256color

& in your .vimrc

let g:"your_colourscheme"_termcolors=256

& that should stick. Bit of a kludge I know but it should work.

Saves typing

:colorscheme whatever everytime you start Vim

