Vim Error: E474: Invalid argument: listchars=tab:»·,trail:·

None of the other solutions worked for me.

My listchars looks like this:


The problem was that my Vim is too old for the space: parameter in listchars. As we can read in this post (I modified the quote to make it more readable):

space: was added to listchars in v7.4.710 on 2015-04-21 by Bram. The stock Debian install of Vim doesn't offer space:.

The removal of the trailing ,space:_ solves the problem.

But wait! I want my vimrc to be portable

Well, as 816-8055 suggests you might use if has() in your vimrc:

if has("patch-7.4.710")


Place the following lines at the top of the .vimrc the error mentions:


scriptencoding utf-8
set encoding=utf-8

Not a real solution to your specific problem, but another (non-utf8-safe) way might be just to use ASCII chars, like this:

set listchars=tab:>-,trail:.,precedes:<,extends:>

If you have UTF-8 available, Justins solution is the better one of course.

Just placing set encoding=utf8 anywhere in my _vimrc, but before set lcs=tab:>-,trail:·,nbsp:·,extends:>,precedes:< solved it

