Vim: Move window left/right?

Ctrl w gives you the "windows command mode", allowing the following modifiers:

  • Ctrl w + R - To rotate windows up/left.

  • Ctrl w + r - To rotate windows down/right.

You can also use the "windows command mode" with navigation keys to change a window's position:

  • Ctrl w + L - Move the current window to the "far right"

  • Ctrl w + H - Move the current window to the "far left"

  • Ctrl w + J - Move the current window to the "very bottom"

  • Ctrl w + K - Move the current window to the "very top"

Check out :help window-moving for more information

This one is the most useful for me (and is probably the right answer to the question):

  • Ctrl W + x OR Ctrl W + Ctrl x - Rotates the current focused window with the closest window to the right.

It really seems like vim can't do this with the standards key maps. The documentation says that the ^W K, J, H and L commands work by creating the split and opening the buffer in the now position, so I wrote a function to the same: Hide the buffer, move to the left, split, and then open the original buffer:

" Rotate a window horizontally to the left
function! RotateLeft()
    let l:curbuf = bufnr('%')
    wincmd h
    exe 'buf' l:curbuf

" Rotate a window horizontally to the right
function! RotateRight()
    let l:curbuf = bufnr('%')
    wincmd l
    exe 'buf' l:curbuf

Do you want to move the window itself or just your cursor position?

Next to rotating or cycling like you already mentioned, it's only possible to move the window itself to the far top, bottom, left or right, with respectively:

^W K
^W J
^W H
^W L

I don't think there is a default builtin way to moving a window one place to the right.

