vim must know hotkeys code example

Example: vim shortcuts keyboard code

// Vim in Linux Shortcuts and Keyboard operations
// For More Detailed and Advanced Operations Visit the site here

// Cut and paste:
1. Position the cursor where you want to begin cutting.
2. Press v to select characters, or uppercase V to select whole lines, or Ctrl-v to select rectangular blocks (use Ctrl-q if Ctrl-v is mapped to paste).
3. Move the cursor to the end of what you want to cut.
4. Press d to cut (or y to copy).
5. Move to where you would like to paste.
6. Press P to paste before the cursor, or p to paste after.

// Copy and paste is performed with the same steps except for step 4 where you would press y instead of d:
1. d stands for delete in Vim, which in other editors is usually called cut
2. y stands for yank in Vim, which in other editors is usually called copy

:shift-(  page up
:shift-)  page down
:123      goto line number 123
:q        close
:w        write/saves
:wa[!]    write/save all windows [force]
:wq       write/save and close
:x        save and quit, same as wq
:q!       force close if file has changed and not save changes

u        Undo
C-r      Redo

v        Enter visual mode for selection of LINES
C-v      Enter visual mode for selection of BLOCKS
y        Yank/copy selected region
yy       Yank/copy entire line
"y  Yank/copy marked region into register  (register from a-z)
c        Cut selection
p        Paste yanked content
"p  Paste yanked content in register  (from a-z)
P        Paste yanked content BEFORE

:!  Execute shell command 
C-z      send vim to background (fg brings it to front again)

a        Append text after the cursor
A        Append text at the end of the line
i        Insert text before the cursor
I        Insert text before the first non-blank in the line
o        Begin a new line BELOW the cursor and insert text
O        Begin a new line ABOVE the cursor and insert text 
s        Erase the current letter under the cursor, set insert-mode
S        Erase the whole line, set insert-mode
cc       Delete the current line, set insert-mode
cw       Delete word, set insert-mode
dd       Delete line under curser

// How to Record and Replay Macros with Vim
q[a-z]   Start recording, everything will be recorded including movement actions.
@[a-z]   Execute the recorded actions. 

h        cursor left
j        cursor down
l        cursor right
k        cursor up

H        Jump to TOP of screen
M        Jump to MIDDLE of screen
L        Jump to BOTTOM of screen
C-b      Move back one full screen (page up)
C-f      Move forward one full screen (page down)
C-d      Move forward 1/2 screen; half page down
C-u      Move back (up) 1/2 screen; half page up

w        jump by start of words (punctuation considered words)
e        jump to end of words (punctuation considered words)
b        jump backward by words (punctuation considered words)
0 (zero) start of line
^        first non-blank character of line
$        end of line
G        bottom of file
gg       top of file

E        jump to end of words (no punctuation)
W        jump by words (spaces separate words)
B        jump backward by words (no punctuation)
#G       goto line #
#gg      goto line #


*        search for word under cursor (forward) and highlight occurrence (see incsearch, hlsearch below)
%        jump from open/close ( / #if / ( / { to corresponding ) / #endif / } 
[{       jump to start of current code block
]}       jump to end of current code block
gd       jump to var declaration (see incsearch, hlsearch below)
f     Find char  from current cursor position -- forwards
F     Find char  from current cursor position -- backwards
,        Repeat previous f or F in opposite direction
;        Repeat previous f or F in same direction
'.       jump back to last edited line.
g;       jump back to last edited position.
[m       jump to start of funtion body
[i       show first declartion/use of the word under cursor
[I       show all occurrences of word under cursor in current file
[/       cursor to N previous start of a C comment


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