virtual c+++ code example
Example: virtual function in c++
#include <iostream>
//Virtual Functions are functions that allow us to override methods in subclasses
//In this example we have an entity class as a base class and class player inherits from public entity
class Entity {
virtual std::string GetName() { return "Entity"; }//It is a method in base class that we want to modify in sub class Player
void Print() { std::cout << "This is Base class" << std::endl;}//function that is not virtual
class Player :public Entity {
std::string m_name;
Player(const std::string& name)
void Print() { std::cout << "This is Sub class" << std::endl; };//function that is not virtual
std::string GetName()override { return m_name; };//overriding the function in sub class
int main()
Entity* e = new Entity();
std::cout << e->GetName() << std::endl;
Player* p = new Player("Jacob");
std::cout << p->GetName() << std::endl;
PrintName(p);// This function calls the GetName method from the Player instance despite it takes an entity instance as a parameter this is because player class is a sub class of Entity and the method is marked virtual it will map with the method in the Player class and call it from there .It outputs => Jacob
//if It was not virtual it would have called The method From Entity Instance and output would be => Entity
Entity* notvirtualentity = new Entity();
Player* notvirtualpalyer = new Player("XX");
notvirtualentity = notvirtualpalyer;
notvirtualentity->Print();//It prints => this is base class if it was virtual function it would call print function from Player Class and print => This is subclass