VirtualBox import error Cannot register the DVD image

Open the .VBOX file in any text editor of your choice.
find the following lines:

        <Image uuid="{b058bc48-c451-4cff-9db0-d01c70e99c28}"


Delete all entries between and section. After deleting the contents, your .VBOX file will look like below.


Save and close the file.

That’s it. Now, you can load the virtual machine without any issues.

I solved it by open the file win 7 64.vbox with text editor and remove the tag:

   <Image uuid="{fd686a98-c1a6-42d9-82aa-67728b524d53}" location="C:/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso"/>

Know that by removing the tag it will be added as empty tag. and reopent the vm of virtual box again. and it worked

