Virtualbox Windows 10 install boots into checkered screen

I just ran into this checkerboard issue while trying to setup a Windows 10 Enterprise (version 2004) VM with VirtualBox 6.1.

When creating the virtual machine, VirtualBox incorrectly detected the VM as a Windows NT 4 install instead of a Windows 10 install resulting in the checkered screen on boot. To fix this, go under Settings -> General -> Basic and verify the version is correctly set to Windows 10.

Boots properly into the installer after changing this.

I had this same problem and finally solved it by starting from the beginning. I deleted the Windows 10 .iso and re-downloaded it. I guess the one I was trying to use was corrupted. Then, I removed the VM that I previously created and deleted all its files.

You can get the iso here:

I assume you know the rest; but, if not, I found this guide helpful:

Had a similar issue. Fixed it by changing the version from 32bit to 64bit.
